Anastasia is growing - fast!!!

Anastasia is growing - fast!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Uh oh!

Anastasia learned "uh-oh"!
We are going to be working on the appropriate time to use this, but it is so cute!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Birthday Party

We had my first birthday party at Jacksonville's Metropolitan Park.
Many friends and family members joined us to celebrate.
They brought food and fun. We had a great time cooking out and Anastasia had a memorable first birthday!
Thank you!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I celebrated my birthday with a little cake at home.

All gone!

Why are my hands dirty?

Messy frosting

I liked the flower.

Picked the flower.

My own cake.

Walking around!
Reading my book

Happy Fathers Day!

1 Year

Anastasia has reached the 1 year mark - can you believe it?
Our first year has been wonderful. From her first smiles to her laughter. The hugs and kisses to the sleeping on mommy or daddy. From tummy time to crawling and now walking. We can not believe how much she has learned and grown in just a year.
We appreciate all the love and support.