Anastasia is growing - fast!!!

Anastasia is growing - fast!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Molar

Anastasia's upper left molar finally came through! We guess that would explain the 102 temperature.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

7-24 Setting up the pool

Anastasia had a blast with the water hose while we filled up a little pool for her to enjoy this summer!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Last night Anastasia attended her first baseball game - we watched an exciting game. Even though we did not make it to the end, the Suns did win!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Family Trip

July 15th through 19th our family travelled many miles. We headed to Kentucky for Granny Lewis' family reunion. Here is how the trip went:
Started our journey Thursday evening. Visited Scott Steele and Sherry Hobbs. Had a great time catching up and hanging out.
Friday we were back on the road and made it to Louisville around 4:45pm. We stayed with Mandy's cousin, Jamie, and her family - husband, Craig, and son, Caden. Mandy's Aunt Janice was there to greet us along with Jamie, Craig and Caden. Caden and Anastasia played together and seemed to have a great time with one another. That evening we went to dinner with Aunt Janice, The Lemak's - Jamie, Caden and Craig and the Johnson's - Amy, Mark, Abby and Cole.
Saturday morning we enjoyed breakfast with Jamie, Craig and Caden. Another good time of catching up with one another and their families. Then we headed to Granny Lewis' and arrived around 12. I met people in Granny's family that I have heard about for years! It was so nice to see all of the family from Mississippi. The names I can recall are Aunt Elsie, Larry & Penny, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Joyce, and I am sure I missed some, but I will have to update those when I recall them! We did see them back in 2008 for Aunt Elsie's 80th birthday; however, Anastasia was expected, but not yet born. So, this was the first time everyone met Anastasia other than Granny. Granny's brother, Jerry and wife, Jeanne, came in from Arizona. It was good to meet them. There were people from North Carolina as well. Ricky, Billy Willy, and Ricky's daughter. Uncle Randy was in and out, but he seemed to have a great time with Anastasia. He fed her and introduced her to a sip of Mountain Dew! Justin and Chris were also at the reunion. They are Mandy's cousins. Mike spent time with the two of them. They appeared to enjoy one another's company! That evening Uncle Randy along with a few attendees of the reunion (including Mike) shot off fireworks. The fireworks were very nice and the end was very cool! The last firework was like a machine gun going off in a fan shape with fireworks just shooting off. Too bad I was not prepared with the video camera! That evening we went by Chris' house and saw Aunt Lisa. Anastasia slept the entire time so we agreed to stop in the next day.
Sunday came quick. We enjoyed another wonderful meal with Jamie, Craig and Caden. It was so nice of them to open their new house up for us to stay there. We really enjoyed our time and fellowship with them. Although it seemed short lived, it was great! We went to Granny Lewis' church at 12 which is where we saw Aunt Sandy, Uncle Randy (different Randy than yesterday), and their children - Justin, Zachary, Dylan, Chad and Shawn. We met a few people and saw some others from Granny's previous church. Also met a lady who babysat mommy when she was little. After church we went by Granny's house for a quick bite to eat and said our farewell's. We swung by Aunt Lisa's again and she was able to see Anastasia awake this time. Then we hit the road. We drove all evening and stayed in a hotel south of Atlanta.
Monday we got up and had just one more stop before home - the Mendel's. Jay is home for leave so we stopped in for lunch and a visit. Grace and Anastasia played well together - it was quite cute. We are glad that we were able to see Jay before he went back overseas since we were on our way to Kentucky while he was in Jacksonville.
We made it back in town around 6 on Monday evening.
We had a great time. It was a lot of driving in a short time period, but well worth the drive time!


Anastasia has another tooth - the upper right hand side molar!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

1 Year Old Appointment

Anastasia had her 1 year old appointment - a little late - but still had it.

She is doing wonderful! Walking well and very curious- made it a little difficult for the doctor to check her out because she wanted to touch everything he had!
Unfortunately she did have 3 shots, but was a trooper in the end!

She weighed in at 21.4 pounds which put her in the 50th percentile for weight.
She is 30 inches tall - the 70th percentile - lucky duck!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Great Aunt Nana Visited!

Aunt Janice holding Kadence and Anastasia. Getting her baby fix.

Mommy's Aunt Janice is here for the 4th of July weekend. I loved listening to her play the piano and read me a book.

4th of July Weekend

Watching fireworks was intriguing despite the smoke clouds coming our way.

Swimming at Papaw and Kimmaw's pool


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Older Family Picture

I thought it would be nice to have some additional family photos here. I was actually able to scan in the following - one of Anastasia's first days at church!