Anastasia is growing - fast!!!

Anastasia is growing - fast!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Catching Up

Anastasia is still attending DayCare at Total Learning Center (TLC) which is associated with our church, Englewood Christian Church (ECC). She is curently in the 3 year old room, which she joined back in June. She also was promoted to the 3 year old room for Sunday School at ECC. Anastasia is doing a great job writing the letter "A" and saying it is "A" for Anastasia. She has an iXL where she traces other letters; however, at this time, A's are what she writes "free hand". She likes to color, play with play dough, swing outside and play with her matching cards. At day care she has learned the sounds each letter makes. She basically has all the letters from A-Z. She continues to learn songs. Sometimes she does confuse them though, considering the same tunes are used, but with different words. Finally, she is counting, almost to 20. WE are excited about her developmetn and she continues to amaze us each day.

Disney May 2012

We took a little family vacation this year and enjoyed Disney in Orlando, Florida. Anastasia was excited about meeting Minnie Mouse, are you can see in this picture. We spent a day at Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdon and The Magic Kingdom.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camping with the Gifford Family

We were invited and we joined Ben, Angela and Benny on a camping trip to the Suwanee River State Park.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Singing Away

Anastasia is learning a handful of new songs.

While mommy and Anastasia were "hanging out", Anastasia sang B-I-N-G-O and Old McDonald.

She keeps us on her toes with all her new learninig.

I guess we can not get away with spelling out words - she will know what we are talkung about - oh no!!!!!